Advantages of Your Own Single Project Management System of Record

How many versions of the truth can you handle? Parallel universes and Schrödinger’s cat aside, most people would rather just deal with one version of the truth – the right one. In Project Management, it is critically important to have one single system of record, one absolute reference, one song-sheet that project team members use to sing the same song (and in tune!).
Project Management Truth for Team Members and Third Parties
For those familiar with corporate financial systems or ERP systems, the principle that applies to project management is almost identical. Imagine if there was only one place where the project team can contribute information, log their results, and check on overall progress and action items. A single source that, while remaining secure, also has to be accessible to authorized third parties, such as subcontractors, who need to synchronize and ensure they meet their share of the milestones on time.
One Secure Portal to Access All the Necessary Data
These requirements drove the design of LoadSpring’s cloud portal, LoadSpring Cloud Platform™, for a system of record that met the criteria for unicity, security, and accessibility. By logging into one location (LoadSpring Cloud Platform), project teams can see all their project management and project control information in one place, and in real time. Communication between team members is direct, whether they are based in the office or working via mobile devices on the project site, and questions and support needs can be flagged and handled immediately. Efficiency increases, which leads to improved project ROI.
Enterprise-Wide Integration
LoadSpring™ knowhow lets enterprises and their project teams do even better. Through the LoadSpring Cloud Platform, the different project management applications needed for a successful project can be provisioned to the people who need them, with browser and mobile access too. What works for one project then works for all the projects being handled by an enterprise. The flexibility and granularity of access security in the LoadSpring Cloud Platform makes it possible to give access on a strict “need to know” basis, matching each employee and partner precisely with the level of information they should see.
Business as Well as Technical Truth
Furthermore, LoadSpring integration skills let you have a seamless combination of applications to meet your particular needs and consolidate all your critical data from multiple software programs into one reference repository. That gives you a clear understanding of the status of all projects (timelines, critical paths, scheduling conflicts to be resolved, and so on), and the levels of risk and profit associated with each one. As a result, the secure, cloud-based system of record via the LoadSpring Cloud Platform opens up additional possibilities of business intelligence as well as project management.
A Perfect Cloud for a Superlative System of Record
And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, the LoadSpring Cloud Platform continues to raise the bar, by offering secure single sign-on to the panoply of applications now working together to help make your projects all come in on time, to scope, and within budget. In all, LoadSpring creates your project controls system of record rapidly and cost-effectively to bring you your perfect cloud. Whatever might be happening in those other parallel universes, by installing your PM system of record in the cloud with LoadSpring secure facilities and expertise, you work with one integrated version of the truth with one secure login to all your applications.