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LoadSpring Spotlight: Jenna Arndt, Human Resources Training Specialist

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Our spotlight series highlights team members from different departments at LoadSpring. In these remote times, we hope you’ll find inspiration in employees living their best lives, personally and professionally.

This article is about Human Resources: an oft-overlooked department concerned with ensuring employees feel valued and motivated to do their best every day—for the sake of their team and customers. Communication with customers and business partners is facilitated via technology, which needs human productivity to operate successfully. There are many channels for virtual communication these days, but authentic interactions between supported, thriving individuals have an especially positive impact.

This spotlight profile gleans insight into one of the team members integral to ensuring LoadSpring succeeds at making new employees feel welcome and prepared from day one: Jenna Arndt!

Can you tell us a little about your role with LoadSpring?

As an HR/Training Specialist, I spend a lot of time in Microsoft Planner, where I create, administer, and follow up on training plans. I also help ensure employees have a smooth first week at LoadSpring by completing many onboarding tasks, scheduling new employees’ first week, and providing our new employees with their HR-related training and lessons.

As with many positions and departments, other items always come up daily. I assist with various behind-the-scenes work, such as administrative items. 

What drew you to Human Resources?

In a previous position, I did rotations in each business department. My favorite rotation and department was HR. I enjoyed working closely with employees from all departments and backgrounds and enjoyed being in a position where I could help and advocate for other employees.

I have since pursued HR and never looked back!

How does your professional background influence how you approach your position?

 I have a psychology background, so I try to put myself in other people’s shoes whenever possible. I believe that HR is about trying to find a black and white approach for many gray types of situations.

What is an experience or project you’ve worked on at LoadSpring that makes you proud?

I helped coordinate the all-employee annual kick-off, which occurred at the beginning of the year in San Diego. It was rewarding to see the work and coordination come to life. This event was also my first time meeting many of our employees from across the globe. Seeing fellow employees have an enjoyable (and, for many, cultural) experience was gratifying.

More recently, I have been assisting with creating the Sustainability Program Plan. We are setting out some exciting goals for the future, which should positively impact people as well as the environment.

Is there something you find incredibly fulfilling or that brings you joy?

In my personal and professional life, I love learning new things and find that extremely fulfilling.

Fortunately, so many aspects fall under the umbrella term of HR. Whether it benefits, payroll, recruiting, compliance, training, performance, or administrative work, among many others –there is always much to learn. I appreciate my team for always being happy and willing to share their knowledge!

How do you spend time giving back to your community, neighborhood, or network—outside of work?

There are so many non-profit organizations out there that need volunteers and have unique missions. I love food and being in nature, so whenever I volunteer, it tends to be for an organization that has to do with either of those categories.

I have enjoyed volunteering on a farm that provides its harvest to a local food bank. Another fantastic organization that I volunteered at had the mission of connecting children to nature through photography.

Considering the ongoing pandemic, how do you feel connected to people in the remote environment?

I feel connected to fellow remote workers because every employee is just a few clicks away via Teams. Also, my department meets face-to-face routinely throughout the week via Teams. Having ‘face-to-face’ meetings with cameras helps add a human element to make you feel just as connected as you would in person.

I also enjoy our monthly town hall meetings because they bring the entire company together (across the globe!), which is a neat opportunity to learn more about people from all positions and departments throughout the organization.

As LoadSpring moves forward as part of the new-normal remote workplace—often lived via phone, Zoom, or Teams—our real-life examples of LoadSpring employees’ life experiences, in and out of the office, demonstrate company culture in action. We hope this spotlight helps you feel more connected to LoadSpring by showing you a face behind everyday operations: because each of us is essential.

Digital transformation via cloud technology allows us to feel connected whenever and however we need it. This revolutionary connectivity ideally helps empower us to set loftier goals—regardless of location or distance from team members. As we look toward the future, technology will help us aim higher and farther than ever. Because we spend so much of our time in the cloud here at LoadSpring, we understand precisely what it will take to help you get here, too.

Contact us today to learn more about how LoadSpring fuses human power with tech power, optimizing your business (or career) to perform at peak efficiency.